Sunday 18 April 2010

What we see on screen

Introduction of what we will be talking about:
This will include a voice-over which will explain what we are doing and why we are doing it. It will last around 1 minute and should tell of exactly how we are going to highlight our point. Whilst the voice-over is telling the audience all of this there will be shots of Student Accommodation and student buildings. There should also be a small montage of vox-pops that we have done that describe the accommodation with words like “disappointing”, “awful” and “sickening”. After this, there might be a title saying “student accommodation”, with maybe a devil horns and tail around it. Throughout the intro there will be music playing and the final chord plays when the title comes up.
The main body:
Whoever the presenter is, they will appear now and talk to the camera directly as they explain “but before we go and speak to the student letting agencies, let’s go and find out what the students themselves have to say about the places they live”. He will say this in a busy street and should have a mini mic attached to him to pick up sound as road noise may be a problem. We then show some vox pops with students and for the first one we will see the presenter asking them the question “what do you think of student accommodation prices?” We will get 4 or 5 full responses to the question.
Then the presenter will talk about the findings and explain how it’s “time to find out what the student accommodation places have to say about prices”. There can be a short shot of their sign with maybe the sounds of thunder and a haunting church organ. The next shot will be in the student letting agents with the presenter asking what prices everything is. Once we find out the results we go to a whiteboard and copy the figures we have found out and compare it to the minimum loans that people get. This will be done by the presenter saying to the camera what he is adding up and then in fast motion he writes down his findings on the board. After writing it all down the presenter then asks the camera “hmm, I wonder if there’s another way”.
There will then be a short clip with a voice-over (of the presenter) saying “so we went and had a look and we found this, a non-student letting agencies” and there will be a shot of the front of the letting agencies. From here the presenter has a talk with the guys at this letting agency explaining why there place is so much better. We then go and have a look around one of their properties with the letting agencies showing us around it and interview the people that live there. !Hopefully! they will say that they haven’t had any problems which will allow us to lead onto the next section.
The next section will start with another voice-over or talk on street which says “so what are the sorts of problems students are getting at their student properties”. This will lead to more vox-pops of people with problems with their accommodation. For this we will have people that we know doing it so we can ensure that we get the juiciest stories.
After this, the presenter says to the camera (whilst talking on a street) “I think it’s about time we highlighted these points to the student letting agencies themselves”. After this we will either have footage of an interview with them where we highlight all these problems or we read out a statement that tells the audience that they refused to comment.
With a voice-over we then sum up what we have found and finish with another collection of one word response to vox-pop questions. There will be music playing as this is playing. Then the credit roll.

p.s. the vox-pops should generally be people we know as we’re more likely to get more detailed answers from them.

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