Sunday 9 May 2010

An outline of questions asked to Fit estate agents and their tennants

also used to interview toby burr our unite tenant

Documentary questions for Fit interview

  1. You represent a number of landlords and facilitate the renting of their properties correct?
  2. Are the majority of your hopeful tenants that approach you students?
  3. Do you feel that the majority of your student customers make informed decisions when renting a property?
  4. If not, does your company give advice to student customers who may be first time renters?
  5. Do you feel students are misinformed about the residential possibilities available to them?
  6. In your professional opinion are students misrepresented in the market, for instance are they falsely portrayed and as such does the standard of their accommodation suffer?
  7. Do landlords prefer tenants that are mixed sex or one sex?
  8. What is the typical housing that you facilitate students to, e.g flat, house, en-suite fully furbished…,?
  9. Who regulates prices and how?
  10. What is the typical price band?
  11. Is there anything else you would like to tell me?

Documentary questions for tenants

  1. How many years have you been studying at university?
  2. Before your arrival at university were you made aware of the any other form of residence other that student halls?
  3. If your were made aware of the private sector would it have altered your decision?
  4. Were you given any advice when renting this or any previous accommodation, such as what was expected from you as a tenant?
  5. Do you feel that students are misrepresented in the market, for example are they falsely portrayed and as such does the standard of their accommodation suffer?
  6. Do you think landlords and estate agents should monitor their prices in accordance with the funds available to students?
  7. Do you feel like a valid and informed customer of your landlord?
  8. Drawing from your personal experience what advice would you give a first time renter or indeed a first year student?

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